Bettering Oral Health in Boise

The citizens of Boise are about to become better educated on proper oral hygiene and how to prevent serious medical problems. The launch of the Boise chapter, our first in the state of Idaho, occurred on January 17 at Jack’s Urban Meeting Place. The event had an expert lineup of speakers and attendees. Along with Dr. Scott Bobst of Boise Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center, the sponsoring doctor of the chapter, State Representative Mathew Erpelding, Angie Bailey of the Idaho Oral Health Department, a representative from Idaho Delta Dental, and Superintendent of Nampa Christian School Dr. Greg Wiles spoke. Strong relationships were built that will be extremely beneficial to the success of future events for this chapter. We can’t wait to see the impact that this brand-new chapter will have on the community.

Project Save a Mouth, Boise, ID